Today, Please Pray for ...

... the victims of a series of tornadoes that ripped across the Midwest on Sunday, and the safety of all who are vulnerable to the severe weather predicted today.

Here is what the press is reporting:

• A 79-year-old man died in Shawnee, Okla., parts of town of which were reduced to rubble.

• At least 21 others in Oklahoma were taken to local hospitals to be treated for injuries.

• Tornadoes, hail, and high winds also struck Iowa and Kansas.

• Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma were ravaged by 50 tornadoes.

• Forecasters say tornadoes could touch down today affecting millions of people. Large cities like St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Detroit, Green Bay, and Milwaukee could see damaging hail and a chance for tornadoes. Areas just north of Dallas, Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Springfield, Mo., are at a moderate risk for tornadoes.

Jesus, we trust in You.

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