Today, Please Pray for ...

... a proper burial for the Boston bombing suspect.

A Massachusetts funeral director is having trouble finding a burial location for the body of the Boston Marathon bombing suspect who was killed in a gun battle with police last month.

Worcester, Mass., funeral home director Peter Stefan told the Associated Press Monday he has received 120 burial offers for the body of Tamerlan Tsarnaev in various cities, but when he talked to officials in the cities and towns where the graves are located, nobody wanted the body there.

This morning, we were reminded by a Marian Helper that we have a duty under God to see to it that Tamerlan's body is given a proper burial.

Via email, Marian Helper Annette Bryce of Wheat Ridge, Colo., wrote:

The news this week about the inability to find a cemetery willing to accept the body of the Boston Marathon terrorist has been very disturbing to me. He was a child of God, regardless of the evil actions he did, and as such, he is due a
decent burial because of his human dignity.

Jesus, we trust in You!

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