Living Divine Mercy

Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 127

This year, Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fell on the same day, Feb. 14, 2024. They have more in common than you might think. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains the opening of the holy season of Lent, a time to think about God and not ourselves – similar to how we think about our Valentines and not ourselves.  Then hear a great story about Camp Veritas, where teenagers learn to grow in virtue thanks to the message of Divine Mercy.

Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 126

Father Michael Sopoćko (1888-1975), now beatified by the Church, was the priest-confessor to St. Faustina and, as such, an incredible man of mercy. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he introduces this great theologian, the principal instrument that Our Lord used to fashion the soul of St. Faustina, and learn how he commissioned the very first Image of Divine Mercy. Then hear how the message of Divine Mercy has brought joy and hope to an autistic boy named Royce Guzman and his family.

Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 125

It is God's will for you to be a part of His mission to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. To accomplish this mission, God has given you personally two great spiritual weapons of our times: Mary and Jesus, the Divine Mercy. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he shares how God’s manifested mercy in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are our only way out of the mess the world is in today. Then join Fr. Chris in conversation with the Zannetti brothers, Gene and Fr. Gregory, on the importance of the First Saturday devotion and the message of Our Lady of Fatima to our world today.

Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 124

Get to know one of the great men of the Church, known to the Marian Fathers as “The Renovator”: Blessed George Matulaitis (1871-1927). Father Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, explains how, at the brink of extinction of the Marian Congregation, Blessed George rescued and revitalized the religious order which thrives today. Then hear the story of another great priest, Fr. Timothy Reid, a pastor in North Carolina. Like Blessed George, Fr. Timothy no idea what God had in store for him who he heard and answered the call to the priesthood.

Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 123

Many people do not realize the connection between contraception and abortion, nor do they understand Church teaching as so many Catholics unfortunately use birth control. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he delves into the Marian archives for a video to understand anew why the Church teaches what she does about these very important topics. Then hear the amazing story of St. Clare's Home in South Carolina, where mothers facing an unexpected pregnancy or who feel there's no alternative to abortion find help and hope.

Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 122

With war waging in Europe between Russia and Ukraine, and in the Holy Land between Israel and Hamas, the evils of war are all around us. But war seems to go against Christianity and the Fifth Commandment, “Thou shall not kill.” Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains whether war can ever be justified in the eyes of the Church. Then hear the amazing story of Robert Gannon, who experienced the traumas and tragedies of war, but also the difficulty of living at home before and after.

Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 121

On Monday, January 8, 2024, we celebrate an incredibly important feast, the Baptism of Jesus, as described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Along with the Crucifixion, the Baptism is the event most accepted by scholars as indisputable historical fact. Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains what this means for us today. Then hear the story of Fr. Dustin Feddon of Joseph House, who works with prisoners when they're released to get a new start in society.

Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 120

Like Moses, Jesus ascended on a mountain to bring a rule for living to the people. He showed them how to find permanent bliss that nothing can take away: not sickness, not poverty, nor persecution. These are the Beatitudes, and Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, explains their meaning and application in our daily lives. Then pay a visit to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion in Wisconsin, a special place where Mary appeared and the Beatitudes came alive.

Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 119

At Christmas time, we often think of gifts, both giving and receiving, but what we need to do is keep our minds focused and hearts focused on the most important gifts: the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he reveals these gifts and also explains the Fruits of the Holy Spirit and what they are. Then enjoy a visit with actor Kevin Sorbo. You may know him as Hercules, but now he uses his God-given talents to act in and produce faith-based films, giving the gift of Christ to the world.

Living Divine Mercy TV Show Episode 118

We proclaim the Nicene Creed at every Sunday Mass, starting with “I believe in one God, the Father Almighty.” Our God became one of us, which makes us different than any other religion in the world. Join Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, as he explains the different parts of what we call our Profession of Faith. Then hear the story of Fr. James Bors, a priest who through incredible tragedy was reminded that God is always with us.


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