Explaining the Faith

Meaning of Martyrdom & Christian Persecution: Does God want Bloodshed? Explaining the Faith

Why is martyrdom valued in the Christian faith? It is not for the reasons you may think. Why is Christianity the most persecuted faith in the world - or is it? Are there really more martyrs in the 20th century than the rest of history combined? Fr. Chris Alar answers these questions and more!

The Best Spiritual Benefit Society: Get the Graces! - Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar

The Association of Marian Helpers is the best and easiest way in the Church to receive the graces God wants to give you through Divine Mercy and the Sacraments! But people ask, "What do I need to do as a Marian Helper?" Fr. Chris Alar explains it all in an easy way that will get you and your loved ones in this free spiritual benefit society to keep the graces coming!

World War III? Mary at Cuapa Tells What Heaven Wants - Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar

The approved Marian apparitions at Cuapa, Nicaragua, are incredibly connected to Fatima in that Mary tells us what Heaven wants us to do and why. We need to listen to avoid WWIII and other chastisements that will come if we don't. Fr. Chris Alar explains what you need to know.

Blessing Same-Sex Couples: A Summary & Clarification - Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar

With all the misunderstandings and confusion from the Church's Declaration Fiducia Supplicans, hear Fr. Chris Alar explain what it all means and what you need to do. He explains blessings, and then gives the official position of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception.

Church Scandal: Just a Catholic Problem? Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar

We have all heard about "pedophile priests" and the Church scandal. And while there are certainly cases of this and trauma caused many victims by abusive priests, for which there is no excuse, there is more to the story. What is the reason for it and are the number of cases actually greater in schools, homes, and other religions? And is the problem really pedophilia, or something else? Was the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report accurate or flawed? Hear Fr. Chris Alar explain what you need to know.


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